Need help to compose chords


New member
Hey !
I need to compose my chords for my different tracks.
Indeed, i wanted t know if there were some technics or hints to compose rights piano chords (and to know if chords are right). I've already searched on google but there are not so many things :/
Thanks :)
There are indeed rules and techniques for choosing chords - all part of music theory, not something you learn overnight - but not that difficult to learn. Many resources on line, here's one, but look around for what works for you. By the time you learn the circle of fifths, choosing chord progressions will make sense. A good program to check out (if you're in to midi and have a little cash) is Sundog Scale Studio - works very well for both educational and creative purposes. Don't expect understanding to come instantly - but in a couple of months, you should be well on your way.
Hey thanks for responding, but how many notes should i place on piano roll ?
I saw projects remake where there are 3 notes for chords, some where there are 5...
How to know how many ? And in what 3 or 5 notes change the music ?
The simplest and most basic chords are major and minor triads, which use three different notes- but that's not to say they don't use the same note several times in different octaves. A piano has 8 'A's on it, so you could play two or more different A's and still only be playing 1 note.
All right!
And how to compose chords compared/linked to melody ?
Should i pick the main note of my melody and set that on my fundamental note of my chords ?
Or something other ?
Not much of a musician in the slightest but scales and integer notation solve that.

I think 12 scales, major and minor each have 12 scales.
Can do most of them one handed but not with two hands so not sure what to advise.

3poly is 0-4-7
4poly is 0-4-7-11

0 as root note, follows semitone counting.
if going just by scale order then 1-3-5

1 is first note of scale. Scale counting.

Recently I've decided to hiatus for a few to study up on those more, and I shit you can find any chords by getting comfortable with stuff like that period.
By default every chord ever. 12 major and minor scales.

Integer notation
scale counting.

Every...last...dam...chord O_________O...