Modulating to the relative minor or parallel minor key


New member
Hi everyone,

Does anyone know anything about modulating to the relative minor key or parallel minor key? I am writing a verse in a major key A Flat Major and I know one of the options I have for the pre-chorus is to modulate it to its relative minor key F Minor or to its parallel minor key which is A Minor. This much I know but when i get to the new key I am unsure as to which chords to use to compose the pre-chorus with.

What I need is some help once I modulate to the new relative minor key or parallel minor key. Do I have to use a common minor chord progression for instance to compose the pre-chorus? Or Can I use the chord progression used in the original major key in some way in the relative minor key or parallel minor key?

I would also like to know which type of Minor chords I should be using for either the relative minor or parallel minor keys. Should it be the natural minor scale, melodic minor scale or the harmonic minor scale?

Many thanks.
Go with whatever sounds best. Whenever I modulated to another key it just "felt" right. Just try out different things, if it sounds good go with it.