matching basslines and instruments


LiL BLu509

i was just wondering if there was a science to this, i make bangin basslines, then make bangin instrument melodies, problem is i cannot seem to make them match up to make one beat, so i have alots of loops that have very good potential to become beats but cant seem to make it work, any help is MUCH appriciated
This is what I do, once you make a bassline or melody, when you go to make the other, make sure you're using the same notes that you use for the bassline (or melody).

Cause they won't match up if you're using two different scales for each part.

Hope that helps. :D
could u post an example, cause if u meen what i think u meen, that doesn't expand the beat, listen to any professional beat, the bass has different notes than like the violin or whatever, thanx for postin though, much appriciated
I think the way you took my first post was just to mirror the bassline with a different instrument.

I'm saying, use the same notes but make a different melody out of the same notes. For example, if you use C, D, D#, F, G, A, A#. Try using those same notes for the melody also, stay in the same scale.
yeah, exactly what expansion said, you want your melodies and everything in that song to be on the same scale. I'm sure you've heard a musician say, "what scale are you playing?" Then the musician finds out what the other musician is playing in and he writes/plays something different but it goes along with the other instrument.
Jay Towns said:
I mean the same key, not scale, but anyways...
Exactly. Lil Blu509, you either should study some basic music theory, or develop a good ear. Actually, do both.

Start with some basic scales, then chords & harmony. It won't take you long to learn how to put those basslines & melodies together.

If for some reason you want to avoid theory, you'll really need to develop a good ear. Making the bassline & melody in the same creative session will help.

For the loops you already have, try transposing the melody or bassline via trial and error until one fits over the other. If these are MIDI sequences that you have, just move all the notes up/down until it sounds good. If it's recorded audio, you'll need to use the pitch shift feature if you have one.