Madeon's "Technicolor" punchy snare

I couldn't tell you how to synthesize it, but go grab Crispy Dinner's Tight Tek Snare Sample Pack (Mostly pingy glitch hoppy snares, but it'll work) go through it, find one that suits your fancy. if it isn't short enough pull the decay and sustain down on your sampler. On the EQ cut all the low end then notch up the fundamental of the snare, probably around 300-500 Hz cut the 1k to 5k just barely maybe not even 1Db. Then boost 5k up to about .5 db or so, mess around with that obviously. On the compressor depending on how punchy the snare was to begin with, give it a short attack and short release, crank the ratio, pull the threshold down until about 6db is being compressed, and adjust make up gain accordingly. Hope this gives you an idea, that how I'd do it at least. Best of luck!