Looking for the instrument / effect names for the.. drum? or gun shots?


New member
Hi everyone,

I am looking for the instrument (or effect) name for the "ta ta ta" "drum-like" sound in the attached file (fish.mp3).
Someone may say it sounds like gun shots.

Often, I heard this in pop music so it would be helpful for every body if any one could share more information about the sound.

Also notes that I do not own the music clip, it is attached for demonstrating the sound I am looking for.
Original artist and music name: Flower, MOON JELLYFISH



  • fish.mp3
    314.2 KB · Views: 17
It's a drum/percussive with lots of reverb. It could be a tom tom, an electronic drum, or a cardboard box; it doesn't matter-- the huge thunder-crash drum sound on Simon & Garfunkel's "The Boxer" is a snare drum near an elevator shaft. What matters about the source sound is that you pick/find a medium-low tuning with a relatively "dead" response, then soak it in super wet reverb. You may want to experiment with only using the reverb returns/tail and not much of the source sound. Mix to taste...
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