I Feel Like Everyone Hates On Fl Studio

Every daw takes time.
Boils down to what you stick with.
For me it was reason and studio one. If fl studio's updates were like 10, if fl studio stayed like 10 I would have loved the hell out of messing with that software. If it just didn't turn into what 12 is :/
I got into making beats because my friend in middle school was using Fruity Loops 5 at the time. I messed with it at his place then eventually started using any DAW I could get a free trial on (mixcraft, audacity and shit). I ended up going back to FL Studio because I recognized it a little more and had a reference via my friend. I've been stuck with it ever since. I've never really tried looking into using other DAWs until this year, but I'm not planning on investing any money into any of them just yet. If I use anything else, it may be Reason and ProTools... Maybe even Cubase.