how you guys choose drum samples?



hi FP

I have a little question about drum samples. You choose samples, create the beat, and the final master (mainly I mean the master EQ) effects the sound, and the drums (and everything else) gonna have somehow different sound when the master is done.

when you choose samples, do you think about the master? think about how it'll change the drums sound, or you choose samples that's already sound the way you want them in the final track?

cuz I used to pick samples that's already sounds perfect to me, but after master, they sounded too bright and had too much highs.

or it's a mastering problem?

thank yall
You have to pick drums that match your song. Wether its a sample or even a melody the drums create a pocket so it only makes sense it should carry everything else...
I use reason to make my beats, so I leave the default mastering suite on while im making the beat. That way I get a general idea of what the beat will sound like mastered, and it makes the beat pop right from the start.
If mastering make the drums too bright, maybe you need to add a filter or EQ to the individual drum tracks or try a different approach to mastering.
Ideally, mastering shouldn't really change anything. Fix it in the mix.

And no, I don't think much about the end results; making music is a process of joy for me. If it turns out good, great. If not, I'll keep going at it if there's promise at it.
my advice is to not think AT ALL about the mastering stage while you are still picking drum samples....


you have to make a good track before you need to master it...
Are you making sample based beats? If so don't use mp3 samples combined with wave drum samples. The drums will be to clean for the mp3 samples.
The Beat Pharmacy said:
Are you making sample based beats? If so don't use mp3 samples combined with wave drum samples. The drums will be to clean for the mp3 samples.

and if youre making beats with .mp3 samples, dont bother mastering them at all..

thanks for the replies guys

no, I don't sample

I guess my master has a problem, cuz it sounded good mixed, but the master made it too bright.
the mix is your trophy and the master is basically the polisher to make it shine.

the master takes out annoying frequencies and brings the beat up to the volune it needs to be at.
I'll say it again - fix it in the mix. There shouldn't be any "annoying frequencies" when a mix enters the mastering phase.
bro youre thinkin too hard on this....youre gonna hear this over and over agian on this just have to start with good quality samples
And once again, I'd really just forget about trying to "master" it yourself, especially if this includes these so-called "mastering" plugins. Do the best mix you can.
I'm picking my sounds of voice in the very beginning, and I'm trying to mix and master as much as possible, before the vocals are recorded... then it is some further mixing and mastering again... and it's done!