How to resize notes in pattern playlist in FL 10 Studio!?


New member
I just got FL 10 and still can't figure out how to resize notes when I split patterns by channel in playlist.They are 7 bars long,when I start puting notes.And can't construct the song properly:( because of that.So if somebody can help me out with this I will appreciate very much!!!!
look at the [step sequencer] look at where it says [pattern 1] go to the left just a Little bit you should see a [gray box with 2 small horizontal lines in it] click and hold, move up or down while holding left click to chose the bars{i put mine on 16 thats the best one 4 me}
Thanks I know about that:)But when you split patterns by channel and you constructing the song in the playlist my notes are 7 bars long and I need them shorter:)Do you have a clue how to change that!?Thank you:)
go to the piano roll with the notes. scroll the the end of the note(the far right) and put you mouse right at the end. a little line with arrows on the end will show up. click and drag to resize the note