How to remember the NOTE on a piano by hearing it?


New member
I get melodies in my head
And I wanna know what note it's in.

I play it on the keyboard (I usually have to find)
But is there any distinct way I can know what note I come up with in my head?

(Kinda like the DO RA MI FA SO?)
Is there any other tip?
this is along term project not something that happens overnight, despite what KonKossKang will tell you shortly. As for how long expect 3-5 years before you begin to master this

After nearly 40 years I can hear most of what is happening and identify inter-relationships and occasionally the actual notes; for the most part, I still hunt for the actual tonic but once found everything is easily taken down
Download a simple "piano" application on your smart phone. Keep it running in the background too. That way, as soon as you hear something in your head you can whip out your phone and figure the notes out real quick before it's gone.

Then you can use a simple voice recording app to record yourself humming the melody to come back to it later.