How do you structure a song? (song structure names)


New member
I'm trying to figure out names for things that you do when you make a beat... for example: melody, bass, drums, fills, etc. (I'm starting to understand fills like how you drag the root note for a bar and then change it to another note)

I just feel like I'm at a certain level when it comes to making music because I'm not musically inclined on the vocabulary that is used in it... Can somebody help me out? Thanks!
My break-down on how I make beats.. (IMO)

-Chorus Drop
-Verse Drop(s)
-Bridge (sum freestyle type **** in ya beat)
-Outro (optional)


if yoo are talking about elements:

-Add-Ins (extra instruments, etc..)

Basically there is no format, it's about how yoo make the beat and ALWAYS remember (ESP for Hip-Hop) keep the artist in mind..

Hope I helped..

Bro_Random said:
(I'm starting to understand fills like how you drag the root note for a bar and then change it to another note)

from what you are saying, it does not seem like you are describing a "fill"... a fill (like as in "drum fill") is when you break out of the rigid repetative beat structure for a moment and do a (usually) short improv-like lead in (or finish) burst.
When you make a song its your own structure and your own layout. You can start off with an intro, or you could just explode right into it. Try doing it different ways. I usually go with:

Verse 1
Verse 2

This is basic but i do urban music. This may seem a bit short but the verses go on for a while because its hip hop. But structure depends on genre and your own style. Remember that
Yeah hip hop isn't to rigid as far as structure goes. I produce house music as well and that has some rules to follow but hip hop is pretty open. The best thing to do is listen to tracks you like and figure out how they are structured. Alot of the time if I come up with a beat that has a similar feel to a song I know, I will study that track and maybe use it as a guideline. Count the number of bars used in certain parts of the song. Like how many bars is the chorus, verse, intro, etc. Here's a couple examples of structures I use.

8 bar intro
16 bar verse
8 bar chorus
4 bar break
20 bar verse
16 bar chorus

8 bar intro
8 bar chorus
12 bar verse
8 bar chorus
16 bar verse
4 bar break
16 Bar Chorus
8 Bar Outro

These are 4 count bars btw.
my structures are often like this

8 intro
16 verse
8 chorus
16 verse
8 chorus
8 middle 8
24 chorus


4 or 8 intro
8 verse
4 pre chorus
8 chorus
8 or 16 verse
4 pre chorus
8 chorus
8 middle 8
24 chorus

however, like the guys have put, alot of modern rap stuff especially hop pop, starts with the chorus.