How do you make your subbass?


New member
The picture above is showing how I make my subbass, and probably a lot of others as well.
This method does work, but I'm looking for something more powerful. Any suggestions? How do you do it? :)
I load up something like massive or zebra or something, and take a sine, triangle, square or a combination of them and pitch them down till it sounds sub bassey, then filter, FX and EQ to taste.
Hmmmm...try using only two oscillators and put the last one down to 0% volume. With the top two oscillators set the coarse to -24 and -12 tones, and use either sine wave for smoother subs, triangle for maybe a bit more roughness, and up the shapes for taste. And try using the blood overdrive plugin if you want more grunt. I haven't used the 3xOsc in a while but I think that should set you where you want it.
start with a basic sine wave and if you want to make it a little dirtier add some distortion/saturation

I like to layer on a low passed square wave

but remember part of the sub hitting hard and deep is making sure it has room in the mix to do so, so EQ accordingly and make sure you arent clashing frequencies with other instruments that may need to be high passed