How do hot producers make such amazing melodies?


New member
Hey I know this sounds like a very generic question but whenever I listen to a song or a watch a video on somebody working on a beat remake of a song the chords they use and the progressions and the melodies they write are beyond comprehension. It makes me wonder how basic my song writing and chord progressions and melodies are. I pretty much always use a minor school like D# or F or something do arppeggios or different melodies whatever sounds the best. I normally make all of my sounds start with the key that I'm starting in too but I see alot of beats with someone in D# and then the bass starts at A# or something. I am just really interested in stepping up my melodies and overall production if someone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome! Thanks alot!
I know exactly what you mean man. If you're like me and you dont play piano, then theres a lot of trial and error. You just need to sit and experiment and use your ear and you can get a general consensus of how you want your melody to progress.
lots of trial and error, but in the example you mentioned, its likely the reason it starts on A# in the scale of D# is because A# is the 5th in that scale and the 5th generally sounds pretty good when substituting for the root of the scale.
Writing chords and melodies is a huge area.

Writing chord sequences is it's whole own thing, some theory ideas you could look up on youtube are:
- roman numeral notation
- cadences
- modulation (changing key)

For writing melodies there are other ideas you need to think about
- Try to put long notes, important notes and notes on strong beats on notes that belong to the current chord
- If you leap a long way across the scale (a fourth or more), the next note needs to come back in the opposity direction
- Have a single high point in your melody, the 'climax' so to speak
Writing chords, and melodies, is huge for music making. You should get a keyboard, and scour youtube for tutorials, and practice practice practice. Maybe try sticking to just 3 different keys, and know them inside out. Then move on. Study your favorite music. Put it in your DAW, find the key, and create the melody. It really takes study my man. Like your in school.
What makes the melodies sound amazing are the supporting chords. Chords are probably the single most important thing that make a song great. I really recommend you getting into music theory. I mentioned this in another post, but start with the foundation of classical music theory. But you must really understand it. After that, get into jazz theory, which is where you learn the magical chords that are so delicious sounding. To me the chords that sound so amazing are the ones with extensions such as 7ths, 9ths, 11ths, etc. Also altered chords that surprise you but sound so amazing. If you really wanna get serious, you need to learn this stuff. Also trust me, once you start to understand, you will get addicted and want to know more. It's amazing
Not sure if this helps but the definition of a melody is a series of notes moving horizontally (through time) and vertically (changing in pitch)

Just have to shake your groove thang and come up with something good
start with a good sound. Presets are th way to go.....a preset is a shortcut to an effect. Make presets based on sounds you like based on music you listen to. Add your own twist to it then keep changing that.