Getting that Jazzy Sound: A Primer on dim7 Substitutions


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Well, here’s a quick primer on Bartok substitutions, which is what Jazz theorists Conrad Cork and John Elliot call them (the concept goes by different names throughout the Jazz world). Its a really powerful way to access a Jazzy sound that’s applicable to any number of genres. Read More
I think I kinda knew about this already but it's nice to have the proper terminology.

Two points:
1. This is really really useful for changing key. Instead of Dm > Bb7 > C you can have a perfect cadence Dm > Bb7 > Eb or the equivalent for the other substitutions (even the weird E7 goes nicely to the relative minor, Am)

2. Doesn't the same concept also apply to augmented dominant chords? As G+ = Eb+ = B+
E.g. Dm7 > G7 > C can be substituted for Dm7 > B7 > C or Dm7 > Eb7 > C (not too sure about the last one but maybe it would work for changing key as above)

Between these two ideas you can quickly and easily move between 6 different keys (C, Eb, F# A for diminished-type substitution and C, E, Ab for augmented-type substitution)
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