Electro drop sound


New member
Hey guys :)

I'm just wondering if anyone can help me out on how to make a similar sound to the one in the drop here (about 1:00):

DVBBS & Borgeous - TSUNAMI (Music Video) - YouTube

I don't need it super exact or anything, i'm not trying to copy that exact one, I just want a general idea of how to make it.

oh, and if it helps, I'm using NI Massive in Ableton (shouldn't make a difference though I guess)

Thanks heaps! :)
Immensely simple drop right there. Its a sub bass kick with a saw pluck sound (a synth with an envelope on the cutoff frequency) that has ton's of big room reverb to make it sound huge.
so, fast and hard attack and pretty short decay on the envelope?

Thanks for replying, and don't worry, I'm not just going to recreate the beatport top 100 ;)