How to connect everything?


New member
So I'm going to buy 2 monitors(krk rp6 g3) a keyboard controller, mic...
But I dont know how to connect them to my computer. Some people say I need to use an audio interface but if I look on google. I only see audio interfaces with like 2 input and 2 output ports. But if I want to connect 2 speakers + keyboard controller + mic and also headphones.. I need atleast 5 output/input ports or only the speakers go into output and mic, headphones, keyboard go into input.??? Can someone tell me how to connect everything to my laptop so everything works just fine?
If you're talking about a MIDI keyboard that doesn't produce sound at all on its own, then almost all modern controllers connect through USB, so that's one less input. The mic needs one input (why would a microphone need an output?). The speakers need one output each. So yeah, a basic 2 in, 2 out interface will serve you fine. Mind you, there are plenty of interfaces with more inputs and outputs if needed (if you want to go to the crazy end of the spectrum, RME's MADIface XT gives you 196 inputs & 198 outputs!).
Maybe a diagram would help?


So as you can see from that diagram:

- Your left and right speakers connect to the output of the interface (balanced connection like XLR is ideal here)
- Keyboard controller hooks up via MIDI to your interface, or what is more likely is via USB directly to your laptop (that part is not pictured in the diagram)
- Most interfaces, even cheap ones, have a dedicated headphones output so that takes care of your headphones
- Your mic goes into the audio interface's XLR input

Easy peasy :) Any 2 in / 2out beginner interface should cover all the needs you have!