Are you nervous?


Which are symptoms of anxiety and which are symptoms of excitement?
Here's a list of physiological symptoms: sweating, fast thinking, muscle tension, trembling, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, nausea and insomnia. (also crying which is common in a lot of emotions just as a way to release energy) Summing up common symptoms with one chemical in the body: Adrenaline - a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands to provide a surge of energy when you're in danger and need to react quickly. It triggers then can cause excitement or nervousness depending on your perception. Is there a saber tooth tiger in front of you, or your next meal? Should you try to calm yourself? Perhaps in some situations but in my experience adrenaline is very difficult to get out of the system quick enough for that to be a good option and wouldn't you prefer a surge of energy in some situations? (for example on stage)

Lets have a little look at the almighty internets,
click randomly and see if the physiological lines start to blur for you too:
Why do I feel like throwing up when I get sexually excited? - Straight Dope Message Board
Why Your Palms Get Sweaty When You

There's one symptom i left off which is irritability which is defined as the tendency to be easily annoyed, the opposite to this would be the tendency to be easily pleased.

Are you nervous or excited to meet an idol?
Are you nervous or excited to go on stage?
Are you nervous or excited to go for a job interview?
Are you nervous or excited to go skydiving?
Are you nervous or excited to go on that date?

What do you think the difference is between the two?
What i got from asking these questions to myself: nervousness is caused by looking inwards and worrying about your own ability (to survive the situation - if that means your reputation or something else), excitement is looking outward towards the opportunity.

One thing to add here is nervousness, self defensiveness and irritability is actually useful in some situations, if a lunatic encourages you to skydive without a parachute then the threat on your life will trigger adrenaline and hopefully cause one of those rather than excitement, it also explains why people get exited to do stupid dangerous stuff if they figure the opportunity for reward, usually by peers approval outweighs the risk to their life.

Stop trying to calm yourself when you're nervous, instead change your perspective and enjoy the experience.
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