

Battle Champion!
I there a sticky or a book or any feedback, I can't seem to stick to one topic while writing. I dont really rap but Ive started to write as I produce. Where can I drop my lyrics to be torn apart? I am used to writing like slam poetry style. I believe it has something to do with the fact we used to be on stage like ' give me a topic and a color' then off top we'd have to spit something to correlate the two or three. ANY help is appreciated
Try not to see writing lyrics as going from topic to topic, that restricts your thinking and keeps you from catching the best things that come to you. What usually helps me is to relate my rhymes to each other starting with a one liner at the beginning and letting the rest fall into place as it comes to you. If you try to force yourself to think in a certain way youll only end up with lines that you want to change later or that dont make much sense. Use your rhyme style to your advantage as well, and if you absolutely cant keep a topic then try a short story style of rap and own the slam poetry aspect. Good Luck
I approach writing lyrics like writing poetry, but I do it with a lot more attention on the rhythm of the words. And there are literally no rules when it comes to the topic of a poem or song, so I find that starting off with an emotion or a concept and letting it grow from there can be interesting.