Sampled SOUL hip hop beat-- F4F

I like the sample. I felt like the intro was a little too long though. The drums kind of overpowered the the sample, maybe a stronger eq of the sample in the mix would fix it. Other than that, its nice.
The drums sound good to me mix wise, that bass is really nice especially like those slides that come in midway. If you can, I'd try to ease back on the high filter on the sample if you can because the sample sounds a little thin, but I understand you may not be able to due to other things going on in the sample. If you can't, consider adding in some chords (piano, rhodes, pad) to give the beat a bit more body. I'd turn up the sample a bit too as well. Good job.

Hit me back when you can:
i appreciate everybody's feedback a lot. i returned all feedback for everyone who posted me a link. i will continue to work on the mix and also does it feel like anything is missing from the track other than the sample feeling too thin? that seems to be my biggest problem is knowing when a track has all of its pieces and can be final. thanks