Trying to do something more experimental. Need feedback! (F4F 100%)

This is so dope man - great beat! I love the build and the drop! The percussion is really on point, great energy in the hats and the snares. The kick has a good weight to it and the melodies really feel like they weave in and out of the really energetic percussion parts.

You sound like you put a lot of work and thought into the small details of the track which is great; that last 10% is what makes things really stand out. Ironically the last 10% often takes about 90% of the work but that's the fun stuff :-)

Great job - Keep it up! I look forward to hearing more!

Please take a listen to my latest track when you have a chance:

I personally thought it was a dope sound. Love the creativity dude, hope you can do more with this unique style.