New Boom Bap Beat Feedback for Feedback

Dan Smackroyd

New member
A short little something I put together today. Check it out, or dont. The choice is yours. Any feedback would be appreciated. Drop links below to your newest stuff and ill return the favor.

Thank you all that take the time to check me out.


i think the vocal doesn't fit right in the mix (also maybe timestrech it a bit?). Still overall it sounds like a nice starting point. The outro shows some more potential playing the sample a bit longer. Personally i would turn the open hihat a bit lower in volume and give it all a bit more variation - but yeah i know, its classical boom bap ^^

Greetings, Mr.nRage
Turn down that Open Hi Hat. That stuck out the most.

Everything else is good. I especially like the Outro switch up with the sample. You should def incorporate that more in the track.

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