Is this Good or Trash let me know! F4F


New member
This is a track I made a while back but just recently released it because I realized being ghost and lowkey won't help me in the long run, that being said check my song out it's called "Games", I produced it too!

It is good but not great. Trash it. You have to work harder and make music that relates to people that matter.

This just does not make an impact. It sounds average and mediocre. You have to do more to make yourself sound more original and more prominent. You blend in with everybody else puttin gout trash records.

Please reevaluate and make some that has a real impact. At least get a decent beat to rap/sing over. I got bored after the first 20 seconds.

It is good but not great. Trash it. You have to work harder and make music that relates to people that matter.

This just does not make an impact. It sounds average and mediocre. You have to do more to make yourself sound more original and more prominent. You blend in with everybody else puttin gout trash records.

Please reevaluate and make some that has a real impact. At least get a decent beat to rap/sing over. I got bored after the first 20 seconds.

Trust me I been working, this song is a year old literally I just put it out to see how people would react to it. Appreciate the feedback though that's real! do you have any song/beat that you want feedback on? Hit me up
On the quality of sound, this is good, lyrics are good also in My opinion.
Yes I have heard the same content on a lot of songs, but because of web there are tons of people expressing them selfs so its more likely to hear more or less the similar sounds and thoughts.
Any way. What I have found out. You just keep creating music and if You feel it Yourself, all is cool and keep doing it, not always lyrics have to relate, have impact or have a deep meaning. Music is all about being in the moment and having fun..a lot of people forget that.
Good job in My opinion. ;)

Weird Darkish Music Box sounding beat || Feed 4 Feed