Genre Bending (Feedback for Feedback 100%)

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Have a great day!
Nah, this ish is way to fire. you got any placements yet? you to nice on the keys. i dont have one bad thing to say about this beat.

I literally just finished this track and would very much like some critical feedback on it, Good or bad. F4F as always!!! Than you very much in advance. you can leave the feedback on soundcloud
All feedback returned! Thank you guys for your comments!

Keep it HONEST! Feel free to tell me what you dislike about it!

Comments on SoundCloud preferred!

Enjoy your day!
I'm really loving it, progression, melodies, everything was on point. I'm a sucker for melodies and when I heard how well it built up, man that shit was good. I have no criticism to give at all man, can't wait for part 2!

Internal Slumber (F4F)
No kickk?? Haha that's okay, it's mixed very well and It changes a lot. Very creative work indeed! Keep it up and can't wait to hear the next song from you. :)
I appreciate your comments. Will respond to some of you individually soon!

All feedback returned!

DROP LINKS! Reply on SoundCloud preferred if possible! Thanks!
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