(feed4feed) Boom Bap Beat - The Prelude

Hey dude, nice track! Mix sounds good. I can't really hear any bass but that may just be my headphones. I think it could do with a little switch up here and there instead of having the same strings all the way through. Keep it up man!
Grime Instrumental F4F
Wow! Very good mix and master, and I rarely EVER say that!

If I really tried to find anything wrong, maybe turn the hi hat up a bit and spectral enhance the high end to give you the high end sparkle and clarity up there. Other than that, you have everything else great.
Hey there. I really enjoyed the strings and composition here! I like the feel of the drum pattern as well. You filled the track with some nice ear candy. I agree that if anything maybe dropping out the strings in a small bridge portion would add variation, but think this instrumental is really moving. It gives me an anthem-y, yet emotional vibe. Truly enjoyed it!
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