Fantasy League F4F


nice sample. To be honest, I think that this beat could be more eclectic, because now it's like the same things all the time. It's too repetitive. Anyway, sounds good!
You definitely have a good start, but very repetitive to the point where I don't want to listen anymore. I'm not insulting it, just giving advice. It is a nice melody loop, but you need to switch things up. Cut the intro in half, add a hi hat somewhere, and add some other synths. Even muffling the whole track could be advantageous (like cutting off high and low EQs so everything sounds muffled). You have a solid start, but it just needs more work. Good stuff though so far.
Not bad, I think it's a little repetitive but it seems like it is an interlude as you said. It sounds like something you would hear on the Adult Swim in the background. Me personally, I would throw in some more instruments to jazz it up a little. But not bad.