driftPill for you


New member
Hey guys, i'm new to producing and i'm happy to join you guys.
The ultimate goal of driftPill is to make music that makes you feel different, live in a scene for a few minutes and makes you feel good and energized AKA makes you drift.
here is one of the beats i did:

Of course i will not be able to convey the ultimate message in the beginning, instead i gotta give some time for hard work and studying to take place to better amplify the message in the music but this is unattainable without your feedback and support.
make sure you check other beats on https://soundcloud.com/driftpillofficial and follow me if you like the idea.
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Nice production man sounds clean af! Next time maybe you should look into making some fills and more variation in your music. Break up the pattern a bit with something different before you bring it back. I think it gets a little bit too repititive but not too bad dude