Brand new to producing. First Trap beat ever (help)


New member
I've been a "musician" for decades. Yep I'm a little older than some. Just trying my hand at producing and really trying to get a feel for it all. I've taken a liking to ambient trap quite a bit over the last few weeks. i initially intended to learn to make chill hop because I got tired of looking for non-copyright music for some videos I was doing and it somehow turned into this.

Wouldn't mind some feedback here. Like I said, I'm brand new and feel like i'm learning new shit everyday and it seems a touch overwhelming at times.

I think the mallet type intro melody is dope. I really like the gliding of the 808, I would even go a little heavier on the distortion for the 808 just so it can cut through the mix even more. I think level wise it's sitting in a good sport. I like the arrangement it's interesting all throughout. Nice work man! Now this is a preference thing and it might be stupid but I'm not a fan of the horn stabs it reminds me of the 2000's lol Keep at it!

Check me out when you get the chance!!
I appreciate the feedback. I had more distortion in the original but dialed it back. I'm new to all this and not used to distortion being a feature in beats. Horns, yeah I took a shot at it. I like them but I'm old so I'm slow to adapt.
Yeah usually with lower frequencies sounds distortion isn't a bad thing most peoples say "don't distort" but because everyone now a day listens through ear buds, laptop speakers, or even their phones the distortion is kinda needed in order to be able to hear it in those devices and don't worry about the horns that's just me being annoying lol
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Sounds dope. I just think the snare needs to be a little louder, but other than that, good job.

Thanks you for the feedback.

I've been looking at replacing the snare completely. That one doesn't do it for me the more I listen to it. Maybe a rim snare. Something with a little more pop.