Wake (Gothic, Industrial)


New member

Any and all feedback is warmly welcomed, even if you want to rant about how much it sucks. No filter needed on your comments.

This is a rather Gothic and Industrial piece. Poetic, spoken word style I guess. A wake is a celebration of one's passing; their death. Enjoy!

Angels stand in silence among a celebration.
Rebuilding a love only to place it back into a cage.
Steady and true but lost of virtue, confidence established in pride.
Empty gazes over a pretty young face.
Accepting of the decaying self, yet flawless outside.
Take me one and all, yours to use and abuse.
Hiding the remains of a broken frame, revealing all to testify.
Always separate and never understood.
Like the light that shines beyond the ageless horizon.
Surreal beyond a reflection, and hollow like this tainted love.
