New EP just released, looking for feedback and for some spotlights on the internet

Hey man,
After listening to your EP it sounds like you are bouncing around melodies without any real thought being given to what they are supposed to present. There isn't really a feeling of building, descending, or transitioning in any of the songs, nothing really catchy to hum along too. The middle of inhuman almost feels like it turns into noise with the delay. Filtering could help with the build up to the drops. I would say giving the songs some room to breath by making a bouncier drum beat could help. Bigger open hats could also help. It sounds like a wall of noise without having a up and down flow to the song it makes it kind of drone on. Really awesome sound design/choices though! Sorry if my advice seems a little blunt I haven't really done this before and I'm trying to think of how I would want critiques if I were to ask for them. Hope this helps!