Looking for feedback fairly new to production

Your melody is not bad but I'd suggest you start listening to more electronic music in general to get a better idea of what genres sound like, what ideas and trends are popular etc right now. It sounds more like a bunch of ideas thrown together rather than an actual cohesive song. Start up spotify and start running some EDM playlists, and watch some "song from scratch" tutorials for your DAW on Youtube.
I think the best thing you can do as a beginner, in my opinion, is what I used to do. Grab an mp3 of a song you want to "copy" and drag it into your DAW. Try to find out it's BPM (just google the songs bpm, should be easy to find). Now you can try to replicate the song as best you can to help you understand how they made the song. With their song next to yours you can see how they arranged the song, what instruments they used, how they added little fills and extra things to spice up the song, etc. This is what helped me when I started. I think it allowed me to think critically about how a song is made and what makes it sound good. Regardless of HOW you do it, I think the important skill you want to learn is to be able to analyze songs and understand why they sound good. Then the next step is to figure out how to make things sound good like others. Tutorials on youtube are AMAZING these days so I'd take advantage of those. It is important to just practice and put the time in your DAW though so make sure you balance youtube tutorials versus making music yourself. You will feel like you are not improving but just give yourself about a year and you will look back and hear the improvements. Just have fun though, its the most important thing!

If you want to return feedback, here's my track.
ZachPayne - Thunder [Future Bass] (Feedback for feedback)