Dario Synth - Without You (Oricco remix)

My first ever remix. Made a video too.

I don't know the orginal but u didnt tell me what u did change so I am just going to comment on all the elements I hear.
The intro sounds really empty, could be a bit more percussion in there

The build up: the Piano sounds really dry and empty, maybe a bit more reverb and a bit more notes i think, also I dont like the filter.

The drop: The drums are really boring, maybe adding a clap into it instead of a snap would help that. The hats are really tiny aswell.
Also no fills, I love fills with some crashes into it.

The video is really cool but is not really entertaining, maybe move around with the words a bit, but it's been a really long time that I edited (probably 8 years ago). Still nice concept though!

Like in the chorus u get things moving, why dont make the build up more interesting.

Overall I would say, it's a good idea but right now it's rather booring, I would suggest u take another look at the mix and see what other elements suit the track, this project feels like it's been rushed a bit.
Also don't take this too harsh, it's all opinion, if u think the track is good and are happy with the result u are totally fine to do so.

Mean while, would u mind checking out my track (kind of remix aswell)?

[Deep House] MarkS - Thinking About It, Giving feedback back