Reason drum loops,and vinyl loops(legality)


Kit Ramsey's brother
A freind of mine has Reason,and I noticed several of the drum loops are sourced from vinyl,and presumably cleared for Reason users to use in thier compositions.
Now if you sample the same loops off vinyl everyone says to be "legal" you must clear them?
Do reason users still have a risk of being caught,and have to pay royalties,or does it simply mean if you sourced the same breaks from vinyl that are included in reason that you can just run wild without risk?
There has to be a right answer to this right?
if they are from the Reason factory sound bank or any other sample CD they should be fair game for use as long as they are not packaged and sesold. IF they are loops taht you made then you gotta clear it. But I will tell you this. IF you are on here asking about it more than likely you dont need to clear it.
I'm not worried about clearing haha.I'm not on any cd's with enough circulation to worry about,and chop it all into hits most of the time.
I don't even use reason,but why should I,or anyone else ever have to clear these loops if people selling sample cd's,and props have already done it for us lol.
If someone ever got in trouble for a loop they could say "what I used these loops from Reason I aint payin' no fee's"
Seems like alot of grey area to me,but maybe I'm missing something.?