!Flip this! Chic - "On A Warm Summer Night"

Samples not really hitting me but Ima flip it cause Im bored.

I was feeling your flip, bass was hitting hard.
ya recorded it from youtube, youd prolly feel it more if it was better quality...but i managed to flip pretty well i think...
beats fresh dustyy....you should use it or get a rapper on it...feelin the drumss to
eeeeeeh a lil teeny tiny secret... u might already know..... VidtoMP3.com... copy the url n paste n u can download from youtube ^.^
lol for everyones future reference!!!!! its fLu!!!!! lol grrrrr the "<----K" is an arrow goin through my name. de nada
thanks for the sample, nice flip too. i got a chic album not knowin who the hell they were and a few songs were ridiculous. one of em was savuoir somethin i dont know wtf it was called, its on my external. seein this reminds me i gotta get that and others off the hd. gracias
ya recorded it from youtube, youd prolly feel it more if it was better quality...but i managed to flip pretty well i think...

Naw man i thought you nailed that one was a good flip fo sho...
loved the drum elements. would say check mine out but i deleted my soundclick page to be redone..