Any Videos that can help me step up my sampling game?

hmm.. havent seen any out there that hold your hand like that and do baby steps..

Just do a youtube search for "[x] makes a beat"
The only beat making channels I have really seen though and liked are Boon Doc's, and that Jehfree cat, he actually hangs around these forums.

But to be honest with you duke, you need to do your own footwork.

Digging - Just go to a record store that has a listening station, or a big selection of 99c records.. go through and listen to as many joints as possible, like you are checking for arthritis b.... I used to have the mentality of... Ok, I'll just buy as much 99c records as possible and go home and tear 'em apart.. Essentially.. Quantity vs. Quality..
But I recently discovered I find way more samples if I just skim through stacks of records at the listening station.

Chopping/Slicing.. Most cats start out by taking a simple 2-4 bar loop and chopping it on every beat, (every 4 steps) only on the down beats. (where the kick and the snare should hit..) Basically, if you are bobbin your head, you would chop at the climax of each head movement.. lmao idk how else to explain this shit.

Puttin the shit together.... Until you develop an ear for "rearranging" your mess.. Just start out by assigning each chop you've made in your 2-4 loop that you've chopped up to a pad and play around with it until it sounds nice.. you dont have to place your chops only on down beats like you did when you were chopping.. just have fun w/ it.. thats the fun part..

now as you get better, you will start chopping smaller things, instead of looking for dope loops you will look for dope sounds, like little 1 shots... and then you will bring multiple sounds from random ass sources into the same beat by pitching them up and down.. thats how i do it alot alteast.. and thats how i make my choruses like 90% of the time..

good luck, hope i helped some
Awesome, thanks.

And when you go about pitching sounds up and down, do you rely solely on your ear? Or are there any tools out there that you use to tell what note it is? I have trouble identifying chords and specific notes, and this is something I'm working on, but is there anything that can help to do this?

hmm.. havent seen any out there that hold your hand like that and do baby steps..

Just do a youtube search for "[x] makes a beat"
The only beat making channels I have really seen though and liked are Boon Doc's, and that Jehfree cat, he actually hangs around these forums.

But to be honest with you duke, you need to do your own footwork.

Digging - Just go to a record store that has a listening station, or a big selection of 99c records.. go through and listen to as many joints as possible, like you are checking for arthritis b.... I used to have the mentality of... Ok, I'll just buy as much 99c records as possible and go home and tear 'em apart.. Essentially.. Quantity vs. Quality..
But I recently discovered I find way more samples if I just skim through stacks of records at the listening station.

Chopping/Slicing.. Most cats start out by taking a simple 2-4 bar loop and chopping it on every beat, (every 4 steps) only on the down beats. (where the kick and the snare should hit..) Basically, if you are bobbin your head, you would chop at the climax of each head movement.. lmao idk how else to explain this shit.

Puttin the shit together.... Until you develop an ear for "rearranging" your mess.. Just start out by assigning each chop you've made in your 2-4 loop that you've chopped up to a pad and play around with it until it sounds nice.. you dont have to place your chops only on down beats like you did when you were chopping.. just have fun w/ it.. thats the fun part..

now as you get better, you will start chopping smaller things, instead of looking for dope loops you will look for dope sounds, like little 1 shots... and then you will bring multiple sounds from random ass sources into the same beat by pitching them up and down.. thats how i do it alot alteast.. and thats how i make my choruses like 90% of the time..

good luck, hope i helped some
When im pitching, most of the time i just slowly raise the pitch note by note until it sounds good. Usually after moving the pitch up or down by a few half steps, i get an idea in my head where the beat wants the pitch to be..
If I'm having trouble, and this happens alot, I open up a piano in whatever program I'm working with, (or if im on my MPC, I open up FL or something) then I play the sample, and hum/sing the note..(or chord, in that case I just try my best to hum the ROOT note.. aka the lowest bass note, unless it's an inversion.) So as I am singing the note that is in my head after hearing the sample, I play different notes on the piano and try to locate it. Once I am sure I've found it, I will do the same process for the other sample I am trying to match it to.

So if I find my sample is...lets say C.. and the other is E... In order to match them, I would need to raise C up by 400 cents to match E.. or lower E by 400. Then the notes will be in perfect unison. (hopefully)

Keep in mind, that's not creating harmony. It's just making one sound match with another.. BUT.. the majority of chord progressions start with a root chord, or (I) So if we match the first notes, it's a good chance the rest of them will be in the same key.. so then you can chop your samples and try and blend them with each other, you just have to **** around..

But this is where shit gets kind of advanced.. and to be honest with you man.. if you aren't born with an ear, it will come to you.. slowly.. for me it came when I was listening to samples and trying to identify where they are at on the chromatic scale and automatically in my head, I hear where it's at in relation to C, then I can make the guess by how far it sounds from C which note it is.. and thats something thats still improving but it is so much easier when you can actually begin to see your progress..

Hope i helped you bruh.
Sweet, thank you for all the great info. This will be something I will definitely have to get my hands dirty with to actually get a feel for it. Can't wait until im able to take some music theory classes next year

So is that a general rule for every half step is 100 cents?