Replaying Samples


New member
I'm not asking for feedback.. Just giving an example along with uh question.

I'm not even sure if I'm in the same key, but the intervallic structure is the same. This would be considered sampling or could I just let it ride? Idguf about clearing the sample, that's not my job. But should I have to notify the artist?
I dont understand why you NEW JACKS always tell on yourselves...never let other PRODUCERS know what the TRUE source of the juice you sip on...

Thats your flavor, your "secret ingredient". PEACE...
I dont understand why you NEW JACKS always tell on yourselves...never let other PRODUCERS know what the TRUE source of the juice you sip on...

Thats your flavor, your "secret ingredient". PEACE...

Lol I'm late, but thanks for the reply. I'll keep that in mind next time.