Pitch n Time without rewriting original audio file?


New member
Hey guys,

I have a lot of loop samples that I'd like to use at different bpms. I use Logic Pro and was wondering if there was a way I could increase or decrease the pitch/time to go from a starting BPM to a target BPM without over-writing the original file? I've noticed if I use Logic's Pitch and Time that if I change the bpm of the sample, it overwrites the original bpm sample and keeps the sample at the new bpm. I don't like that this happens, and was wondering if there were any 3rd party plugins (like the waves plugins) that won't over-write the original files? I have serato pitch and time but for some reason it doesn't show up in the pitch and time algorithm settings. I plan to change the bpm of alot of the loops I have and I don't want my original files to get modified, just the project files!
