

New member
How do you guys organize everything? My S1000 has only limited ram so I can't load all my samples every time. It doesn't have folders so I can't store everything I used for one beat in a folder so I can remember. I save my samples as Sample 1, Sample 2 and so on. Now that I have started really accumulating alot of samples I can't remember what samples I used for what beat so I end up loading all of my samples and all of my drums. This will soon be a problem when I have more samples than ram! How should I organize when I don't have folders? By the way saving all the files I used to a different floppy everyt time won't work cause I just started saving to zip disks. Help Me OUT!
With drums and snares and suck I have alot of samples and I mainly remember the ones I use alot by their numbers.

For instance : Drum(11),Drum(75),Snare(45)

So when I go in it's like ok #75,45,11 etc.

Without out folders I don't know a real good way to organize. Try organizing yourself by maybe making a list or chart or something so you know whast what when you go to start loading stuff up, like print a sheet or something is the only thing I can think of right now.
H&R said:
With drums and snares and suck I have alot of samples and I mainly remember the ones I use alot by their numbers.

For instance : Drum(11),Drum(75),Snare(45)

So when I go in it's like ok #75,45,11 etc.

Without out folders I don't know a real good way to organize. Try organizing yourself by maybe making a list or chart or something so you know whast what when you go to start loading stuff up, like print a sheet or something is the only thing I can think of right now.

That's pretty much the same advice I would have given, so I'll just "nod" in agreement.
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