Mixing samples!?



hey, im wondering how i will mix my samples.
i am using my own sounds but making the beat sound like it was sampled.
im trying to figure out how i will eq each instrument.
i no that if i record ea instrument at a time into the piano roll it wont b a problem for eqing..
but i need to hav sample after sample so i can use the choke group, therefore i can only eq wen all the instruments are bunched together.
hope someone understands what im saying.
Try using Izotope Vinyl, it is a free download, try googling it.
It gives it the grittiness and feel of an old school record/sample. I personally use it on samples I use, not all the time, just when it feels and sounds right to me.
No but on a general tip, I'd be interested in knowing how cats eq and shape their samples. Do you manipulating phase to single out certain parts of the mix. Do you ever limit? I don't necessarily have a problem with how I do my shit, I just know that I don't know everything I can know about the subject.