How to extract vocals from a song?


New member

I'm concerned about how to extract the vocals from a song (without the drums) and use them in a remix. To clarify, I need the vocals only.

And which program is required for that?
(sorry for the dumb question, I'm totally n00b in music production)
ive never tried a vocal extractor, sounds interesting. But you will find some channels on soundcloud dedicated to providing acapellas to artists, off the top of my head MrAcapella uploads some
I think it's really shameful of you people to make fun of him by suggesting a vocal extractor. What he needs is a music remover.
no way to accurately do it - you always have some music left no matter what you try

most phase inversion techniques work on the basis that the vocal is center panned (as is the bass and the kick and the snare)

phase invert the right channel and mix to mono and you get a track without the vocal or kick or snare (or at least only ghostly remnants of them)

now collapse the whole track to mono

now phase invert the vocal-less track

mix the two tracks to mono and you should get a track with vocals, bass kick and snare

this will still have ghostly remnant s of everything else but will give you a starting point to then start filtering the resulting mono track