Help me find a sample, that I can't remeber the name of?


New member
Hey guys, I'm going nuts here, I had a textdocument with a list and now that list is gone.

Now I don't know the name of the artists but it's something weird like terrier and pratchet/ferrier and pratchet or something. Obviously that's not the name of artist but that's what's on my tongue. If I remember correctly the cover is a something weird like a train in the air (I haven't seen the cover in real life just on a youtube playlist and my guess right now is that the playlist has been deleted or something) and the sample sounds kind off like a movie.

I've tried youtube channels, a lot of google, so yeah I'm stuck. Anything would help, the sample is not super rare.

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sorry, that doesnt trigger any memories for me.
i know how it feels to lose a list and an inspired thought though. good luck.