Does Timbaland pay to get his samples cleared...?

if in the linear notes it says something like "contains parts/samples of ..." then they were cleared, and if it doesn't say anything, then they weren't
noblewordz said:
I don't think you actually have to state where you sampled from.
i hate it when people say this... if u don't have to put them in there, then WHY would anyone put their sample clearances in the notes? i know i wouldn't want anyone knowing where i got my samples from...
noblewordz said:
I dont know dude. I think its optional.
If you clear the sample, then you are paying the original artist and have to give them credit on your song. So where it lists the writers names theirs would be there, and you have to put "contains samples of..." in the notes too, thats how they get credited on the song. If you don't clear it then you don't have to do any of that.
wait if labels clears it, then labal is losing money just because producer is using samples ...
rapaz said:
wait if labels clears it, then labal is losing money just because producer is using samples ...
The label goes through the clearing process, but the money comes from the producer.