determining tempo


Active member
i'm new to sampling, in fact, just starting, and maybe this has been answered..
but whats the method u guys use to dtertmine the tempo of an acapella or a sample of a song?
belizeño said:
i'm new to sampling, in fact, just starting, and maybe this has been answered..
but whats the method u guys use to dtertmine the tempo of an acapella or a sample of a song?

With an acapella, just get tha bpm of the instrumental of the same song.

If a samples a whole loop, just seqence it from the downbeat and run your drum machine through it's tempo until it loops cleany.
cool, thats what i thought... how about if u trying to sample something thats from a live band or something, what tactic u use then..? cuz of course the tempo wont be constant...
belizeño said:
cool, thats what i thought... how about if u trying to sample something thats from a live band or something, what tactic u use then..? cuz of course the tempo wont be constant...

If you're just taking six seconds of the live record the same applies. But matching a hip hop acapella to a long sample of a piece of live music could be a bit trickier. A lot of fiddling about would get you there in the end, but I don't have any efficient solution. Sorry.