Beginner/rookie question about REX sample format


New member
Hello peoples,

I'm looking at a sample cd that I may purchase, but it says that the sounds are REX format.... it explains that this is a compressed format similar to how ZIP files are compressed.

It listed a list of SOME of the programs that it's compatible with.....

I am using Fruity Loops, and want to know if this is "compatible" with Fruity Loops?

As a beginner, my understanding is that you can easily add folders of WAVE format sounds into Fruity Loops.....

Can I use this REX format sample cd with Fruity Loops, and if so how?

thank you!
Does anyone have any tips for getting REX slices into their own (individual) mixer channel? Right now I'm duplicating a there an easier way?
classic101 said:
u can use rex in reason in the dr rex but thats all i know and u can make chops into rex using recycle

exactly- as far as i know rex (or rex2) formats are only useable in reason
JettaJern said:
exactly- as far as i know rex (or rex2) formats are only useable in reason

Wrong. Most programs accept REX files these days, and the ones that don't, want to. REX has become a very popular format for chopping samples, and can be used by many programs now, not just Reason.
Ok can someone please educate me on the sample formats?

I mean, if Rex is just a compressed format, can you not uncompress it into a Wave format?

Also, can someone tell me what the best formats are to use for Fruity Loops? Am I best off with Wave format, or is there something more convenient??


Ok, here is an example of stuff that is confusing me -

It doesn't say what format that the sounds come in even.... at least, I don't see it.

It says that it supports "EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, MachFive and Reason"........... I know what Reason is, are these others similar types of programs? If so, are any of them compatible with Fruity Loops?
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JettaJern said:
exactly- as far as i know rex (or rex2) formats are only useable in reason

There are a ton of programs that use rex format ive even heard of people using free rex players. rex format is slowly taking over where soundfonts left off.
Modizel, is "Recycle" easy to use?

What do you suggest I do, in regards to sound formats?

oh and can anyone suggest some good sites for beign able to play a sample of the sample cds?

some of them just have the cds listed for sale, but I've seen others that have them listed with a demo.
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I got the Thai loop CD that came with rex files. It's the only good loop CD in the world. rex rules because it saves slice data