Mixing and mastering. Where do I start?


New member
Hi, I want to learn how to mix and master but I dont know where to start. Can someone recommend a book, or online class or such to me? Thanks
Extra theory, from wherever (wiki, bandcoach's pages, google, books, dvd courses)

Brush up on theory and try to bring that theory into practice, find a good balance between practicing and reading or watching theory.

Two youtubes that helped me a lot on mixing and mastering :

But, any stuff from propellerhead's youtube channel helped me a lot and still is

This is just an example, you can probably find great stuff on your DAW of preference as well, or no DAW in particular for that matter.
Start with mixing! There are most likely dozens of tutorials on YouTube for whatever DAW you use. Just make sure to read up on what mixing is first, so you properly understand what it is
Bersonally I would start by going to the local library and rent a few introductionary on modern music production in general, they often cover up a good starter on mixing and mastering.
Then you have great channels and clips on YouTube, as well as a bunch of great articles on Sound On Sound magazine.

Some YouTube channels:
Dubspot (mixed tutorials but includes good mixing/mastering tutorials)
Thepuremixtutorials (haven''t checked these out yet but seem really nice)

Good luck! :)
The internet is full of orphaned tips and tricks, but many of these are useless without some sort of comprehensive background in mixing or mastering.

I suggest watching a full series of lessons (not "tutorials", LESSONS) from Groove3 or MacProVideo to start.
I prefer Groove3, because I find the lessons to be generally more effective and useful.
Lynda is another lesson site where I've noticed a lot of recent growth -- haven't gotten into this one yet, but I'm excited to.

Salem Beats
read.. google should be your best friend... plenty of interesting stuff online.. also youtube it with whatever daw you are using..
I would highly recommend Bob Katz's 1997 book Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science. You should be able to find the second edition (published by Focal Press) for a fair price second-hand. I hope this helps.

I also found Barry Diament's articles on mastering to be of great interest. There is a great one on his website about how he believes (rightly, in my opinion) we should 'Declare an end to the loudness wars', as well as a good one explaining the basics of mastering.

Lastly I would also recommend checking out Ian Shepherd's posts on mastering on his excellent Production Advice website. I feel I have learnt a lot from reading his blog and watching the numerous YouTube videos on there, particularly about the importance of preserving good dynamic range throughout the recording, mixing, and mastering process.
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Just remember that sound as we hear it, is an illusion. Next time you listen to music through your speakers, observe the sound field in between the speakers. Volume is depth, frequency is height and panning is left/right.
I think the good start would be to understand what tools are used for mixing and mastering, learn what they do and what applications there are for them. Choose the DAW which you would feel comfortable using. Industry standard for recording/mixing is Pro Tools, but all of them be it Logic, Nuendo, Cubase etc let you do the same thing.