mixing and mastering 8.quick tips


the good life
1.dont get caught up in what vsts are hot , just focuse on your default pluginns and master them to your best ability

2. everyone mixing and masters differntly depending on preference
so dont worry bout others mixes which will deplete your confidence

3. stick to what you know and work on your weaknesses occasionally

4. dont pressure yourself it should be funn an not serious an uptight

5. end result 'depends on your accumulated knowledge to your best abilities 'ps.
not everymix will sound the same trust .dont beat yourself up overthis and loose sleep over it. everything is practice which makes you better

6.keep it simple - learn how to eq to your liking and aswell when it comes to comps and limiters less is better ,cause if u dont like the 1st roughdraft you can go back and add a lil more ' i learnd this from a engineer . better to mix at low volumes to get the best out of your mixes conversation loudness would be fine trust and dont ever raise the volume till it gets distorted keep it well under so theres no distortion whats so ever'

7.sidechaining on master keep it simple -multiple comp and eq not to dramatic

8.never drown drums or bass less is more trust, when it comes to the master finish the volumes will be raised to there full potienal
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