im trying to create a new style of music here . I want to merge


New member
I want to merge like a travis scott/wundagurl/The weekend kind of style with like R&b & Trap music . any help ? Suggestions on what sounds ? Techniques to Use ? Examples ?
I think that this is not something that can be answered easily.You must have the whole idea in your mind...don't wait ''easy answers''.What you ask is very deeep and you can follow so many different options!you have to experement and maybe co-operate with other producers.
Some pads and saw synths with some trap drums would be nice you can also sidechain your synths and stuff just get creative.
try sampling, both Wondagurl and Weeknd use samples from time to time. Try looking for rock and electronic samples and combine them with 808's and synths.
Hum, ok. You wanna CREATE something new, and even though you are clueless on how to do it. you're going places.
Example of...a thing that's supposedly not been done yet? As others have already stated, just start experimenting with it. You're already boxing yourself in if this "new genre" depends on suggestions from other people before you even have anything.
There are many ways to create something new, fusion is a good one, another would be expansion, that's where you take something like a snare roll found in Miami Bass Music for example and you expand upon it until you have something new like the snares in Trap...that kind of thing, so don't be afraid to take some minor element you like and give it a lot more focus in your own work.