Vocal effect plugins for FL studio


New member
If you know of any good vocal effects specifically for hip-hop, please share them with me. Please include the name and basic function of the plugin. Thank yu
Seriously: all the FX present inside FL can do the work pretty well. You don't need external plugins just because you've seen in a youtube tutorial or someone told you to do it. Try to understand how things work (even if the producer in that tutorial video used a third party plugin) and replicate it into FL.
Seriously: all the FX present inside FL can do the work pretty well. You don't need external plugins just because you've seen in a youtube tutorial or someone told you to do it. Try to understand how things work (even if the producer in that tutorial video used a third party plugin) and replicate it into FL.

I am fully aware of "How Things Work" and I don't need yu telling me what I already know. I didn't get the idea off YouTube. Let me break it down for yu: I WANT MORE PLUGINS. Is that a difficult concept to grasp? If yu didn't come here to answer the question I ASKED YU then you're wasting my time...and yours.
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