Processing Vocals with a large Dynamic Range


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I'd like some advice on processing vocals.

I had a Musical Theater singer in my studio and from that training, at times he would project very loud. To keep from clipping I had the input pretty low, and now I have a wide range of dynamics.

I'm using a CLA-3A to compress the sound, but I'm pushing the Peak Reduction pretty hard (almost 7), and I'm still finding the highs too high when I make the softer sections loud enough.

Should I go through and chop the audio and bring up/down different sections instead maybe?


I compress and automate in every mix. There are plugins out now like Waves Vocal Rider.. I've never used it, but I doubt it could do the job you could yourself by hand
Try using a combination of compressors rather then one compressor squashing the heck out of the voice. Also volume automation will help level out the dynamics of the vocal.