Please help!!


So I've wanted to achieve this type of sound for a while now, but I just have absolutely no idea how to do it.


(sorry I have the link like that because I am new to the site so I am not aloud to post links yet)

Does anybody have any idea the effects used on the vocals for the hook on this song?

It sounds similar to the effects on far east movement's vocals as well. I can hear that it is tuned but very slightly, and no so obvious.

Is it autotune? If so what would the settings look like?

This sound is great because it does not sound as electronic but does enhance the quality of the vocals. It's also great cause most people don't even recognize that as tuned so people do not hate and say that you auto tune. :P

At the moment I am using adobe audition to edit my vocals so if you gave me a solution that I can apply with audition that would be best.

So if anyone can help me out that'd be really greatly appreciated!
