new to mixing


New member
Hey, I just enrolled into school one week ago for audio engineering and it's been one week now and I feel kind of lost to everything they are telling me. It's a lot to take it so it's very overwhelming to me anyways...I was wondering if anybody could give me a quick rundown of what exactly mixing on a console is. and what the master section of the board is exactly. Is the master section your final part? as in every channel is mixed into the master? or?
I was wondering if anybody could give me a quick rundown of what exactly mixing on a console is. and what the master section of the board is exactly. Is the master section your final part?
I think Slipperman - a very well know mix engineer from 80s and 90s mega-hits said it best when he wrote,
Imagine yer 2 buss is a telephone booth.

Imagine yer mix is a bus stop full of loomers from a local college cheering section.

You might have....:

Some fat guys, some skinny guys, some chicks with big asses, some dudes who play rugby, a coupla jockeys, an occasional basketball player. Ya might even have baby Mastodons(Hey! He might be the mascot!!!) Etc.

Yer mission, should you be stupid or crazy enough to accept it, is to jam all these characters into the telephone booth in a fashion where.....

1.) The smartest and most important guys can reach the handset.

2.) You can close the door and the booth is still primarily intact.

3.) As few people as possible die in the process.

Now these might not be THE ONLY objectives you'd be concerned with in any given mix... But these would be the ones you'd ALWAYS be dealing with.

Fer instance: You might ALSO decide you wanted to be able to:

1.) Take a photo of the whole shebang where the chick with the great face and stunning lungs is jammed up against the front glass looking like she's getting rogered by the drum major.

2.) 3 different guys alternate placing and answering the phone whilst the mastodon whips up a enchanting cheese fondue and screens unreleased Fellini films on a stolen eggplant/camcorder.

3.) You keep as much of the original clothing and body shape/mass of the landscaped Gospel choir intact whilst shrinking the rest of the occupants down to personal voodoo doll size and set them to work powering the South Bayonne Elks Lodge on tiny Velcro hamster wheels.

All common scenarios.

See it every day.
This is what mixing is.
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