How much would you spend for an IEM?


New member
Hi.. I am very new to the forum and not sure if this is the right way to ask a question but I really need some insights urgently. I am planning to buy a new pair of headphones, but my budget is only between 300-450 EUR, though I am open to go till 550. What do you think my options are if I am planning to use them for mixing? And what about IEMs (I like the idea of portability) viz-a-viz overheads? And would you go for an IEM or an overhead at that price range?:bigeyes:
Check AKG. Their prices are good and the quality you get is pro! I have to say that the difference between any 300eur and 500eur headphones may not have so much significance with user experience, unless you are really experienced with audio.

Have fun with your new "toy"! :berzerk: